Sunday, June 12, 2011

this post is fueled by pain. agony. and random tangents.

If I find that violence is allowed when I get to heaven, if even for a brief second of time, I swear I am going to kickbox Eve right on the jaw...

yeah. didn't see that coming, did ya?
moving on..
in other news.
the 1984 Karate Kid is Amazing!
That kid was so smooth.. even by movie's standards.
he took Justin Long's advice from He's just not that into you, all the way.
Which is great! for that girl. not for me. as I now swear by JL's advice. and where am I? Sitting in a bed curled up like a turtle wishing I could have a donut. But then my sister says you shouldn't have any sugar during this delicate time of the month, and I'm like, great. more phenomenal news! ha. ...I'm probably going to eat one anyway. lol. Ok, look! I see a cheery cloud on the horizon. Could it be?? Does attitude make all the difference?? yeah, that. or the promise of a donut. either one. :)


  1. You know you could let us know when you are watching a movie like the original KK....we might've joined you :) specially since watching Ralph Macchio on DWTS. Glad you're blogging again!

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